It's your career,
take control
Design, manage and grow your career
For individuals
For educators
For enterprise
Success. Your way.
When you sign up to My Career Capital you get...
One single place to manage your career capital portfolio.
My learning
Set and track your learning and development goals.
One easy place to capture your professional development.
My pinboard
Build a portfolio of useful resources and great work that you've done.
Design my career
Create a career roadmap based on your skills and interest.
Uncover opportunities you didn't know existed.
My job history
A consolidated record of your career, successes, and what you learned along the way.
My coaching tools
Proven coaching tools to help you solve problems, set goals and plan for the future.
Find my unique value
Get to know your strengths and opportunities for improvement.
My goals and performance
Set and track the progress of your personal career goals or your job-specific goals.
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